Thursday, November 22, 2012

Unusual Uses for Nail Polish

After you finish painting your nails use some of that polish to help you fix things around the house. Nail polish offers you many ways to repair, improve, and organize things in your home. For example, if you have a loose screw on a toy or other item, you can apply a coat of clear nail polish to it. Tighten the screw, apply the polish, and when its dry, the screw will stay tight.The writing on certain labels, like those used in gardening, can smudge and smear since theyre generally written in marker. But if you coat the labels with clear nail polish you prevent that from happening.If you rarest use envelopes youll often find that, when you do, either the flaps are stuck and you have to tear them apart, or the adhesive is no longer good enough to hold the envelope shut. Yeah, you could run for a sponge, and a dish of water, but by the time you do that, you could just swipe clear nail polish across the adhesive to seal it.Who hasnt struggled when trying to thread a needle? The solution? Just apply a bit of nail polish to the end of the thread. Allow it to dry totally and it will glide right through the eye of the needle. Just cut the nail polish end off after the needle has been threaded. The same basic technique works for shoe laces. Apply the polish to the end of a shoelace, which has lost its aglet, to keep it from fraying at the end.A green ring around your finger or neck tells everyone youre wearing cheap, costume jewelry. Theyll never know, though, if you paint the inside of the particular jewelry piece with clear nail polish. The polish can wear off after you wear the item many times, so reapply when necessary.When you store things in colored bins you can easily tell which one contains what when you apply a stripe from a color of nail polish. Just make a nail polish stripe on each bin - a different color for each one - and you can easily distinguish them. Or, write on the bin with the nail polish, to spell out "Christmas ornaments", "art supplies", or other things.Dont you hate it when things like shaving cream leave rusty rings on your sink or tub? When you paint the ring on the bottom of the can with nail polish - clear or colored - youll do away with those rings for good.Now that youve discovered the many ways you can use nail polish, youll want to keep a nice supply on hand. You dont have to use your quality nail polishes around the house; just visit your local dollar-theme store to purchase cheap versions, which work just as well.

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