Monday, November 12, 2012

Playing Card Headboard

Need a headboard? Been looking around and youre still in shock from the prices? Maybe you havent even located just a headboard - every one you find comes with the rest of the bed, which you dont need. Its easy to create a headboard, especially if you love playing cards. When you use ordinary playing cards you can easily make a unique headboard using cards as the theme.A playing card headboard is perfect for many types of people. Maybe you have other game-theme items in the room. Or, youre just hoping for a really cheap headboard that looks fabulous. It literally takes very little time, money, or effort, to make a fun and unique playing card headboard.Poster board, or even Styrofoam, make a lightweight and inexpensive choice for the headboard itself. Later, you can add the cards to give it the look you want. Buy a single piece - or more than one piece - to make the headboard size you need. Its easy to cut poster board or Styrofoam with a sharp knife.After you have the piece(s) you want, they can easily be stuck to the wall using double-sided tape, or even glue strips. You might want to paint around the outside edges in a color that matches a color on the cards, or another choice.Its up to you if you use miniature cards, or jumbo ones. Just measure one card to get the width and length. Draw a grid onto the poster board or Styrofoam so youll end up with perfectly even rows. It can be helpful if you draw the same grid on a piece of paper, then write what card you want to put in which square.Use spray adhesive to attach the cards to the headboard. That way, the glue grabs quickly, and you wont have to worry about cards sliding down as the adhesive dries. There are any number of arrangements you can do with the cards. You can align them, from smallest to largest, you could put kings or queens on the corners, or even alternate red and black cards. You could paint the poster board or Styrofoam, then make a border of cards. Its also easy to make a monogram by using all black cards as the background, and red cards to spell out the letter(s). Or, make other designs by the way you combine different colors.You dont absolutely have to use regular playing cards to make the headboard. Use cards from other board games, like Monopoly, Sorry, Phase 10, or others. The unusual card headboard is fun to see and exciting to make. With a quick trip to a home improvement store, you can purchase the needed material, and have your headboard before the end of the day.

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