Its often the case that the reception is at a completely different location than the wedding itself. With that being the case you can guide your guests to the reception by placing some signs out in front of the building. Make a collection of signs, which can also hold a group of balloons, and every guest will find the way without a problem.
Foam board makes it quick and easy to create the reception signs for the yard. Purchase a large slab and cut the pieces yourself. Or, purchase several individual pieces which are all the same size. Youll find foam board in various sizes at a craft supply store and its not expensive. The foam board is very easy to cut making the reception yard signs a breeze to create.
If youve chosen foam board which has to be cut, draw lines to create as many signs as you want, then cut the separate pieces with a sharp knife. A good size for each sign is 10"x14", but they can be a different size, if you prefer. Foam board is just foam with a paper cover on each side. The yellow foam will show on the sides of each piece so paint these white to begin making the signs. A permanent black marker works well, against the white foam board, for creating an elegant look for the signs. But, you can also use gold, silver or another color of marker to create the signs. Use stencils to create a border around each sign then write assorted things on the signs. Under the wording, draw a long arrow that points the way, and do this to each sign. Make one sign which says "Mr. & Mrs.", another that says "Cake This Way" and another that says "Reception". Other choices for some of the signs include one that says "Flying Bouquet", "Join Us" and "Dancing". Make all six signs or create your own wording. At the top of a couple of the signs - or each sign - poke a hole through the foam board with a nail and use this hole to tie on balloons which are attached to satin ribbons. To stand the signs in the yard simply push two stiff wires into the bottom side of each sign. Push the other ends into the ground. Gather the collection of signs so that some in the back stand a bit taller than the others. This will ensure that arriving guests can read all the signs. The collection of wedding reception signs is one you can have fun with while guiding your guests to the right place for the party. Youll definitely get their attention with the balloons blowing in the wind above the humorous or facts-only signs you accumulate on the lawn.
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